Modern Slavery Act Statement

Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

Introduction to the Company

This statement is made pursuant to s.54 Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that Food Network Corporation has taken to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within its business or supply chain. Food Network is a commercial business providing products to NHS organisations. The company operates from one location and delivers to hospitals in the North East Region.

Our Policies

Food Network is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business activities or supply chain. As an organisation providing products to public sector clients we recognise that we must act ethically and with integrity in our business relationships. Implementing, enforcing and reviewing our controls on slavery and human trafficking are an integral part of our ethical trading. To ensure that Food Network’s commitment to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its operations and supply chain, the company has the following internal policies and procedures;

  • Recruitment – robust screening checks are undertaken to ensure that all new employees are eligible to work in the United Kingdom and are not being forced to work against their will.
  • Whistleblowing – the company has a Whistleblowing Policy which provides employees, suppliers, customers and others with the confidence to report any concerns regarding our business activities, including issues involving modern slavery and human trafficking.
  • Procurement – When undertaking procurement of services and goods prospective we assess prospective supplier(s) to ensure:
  • (i) they comply with all relevant Law and Guidance and shall use Good Industry Practice to ensure that there is noslavery or human trafficking in its supply chains; and
  • (ii) (ii) they shall notify Food Network Senior Managers immediately if it becomes aware of any actual or suspected incidents of slavery or human trafficking in its supply chain.
  • Ethical Trading and Social Accountability Policy – Food Network are committed towards integration of ethical trade principals and
    Ethical Sourcing Policy which states we consider the wider implications of our business decisions such as abuse or exploitation of workers throughout our supply chain.

Bullying, intimidation and harassment are often present in situations involving slavery and human trafficking and the company encourages staff to raise concerns so they can be investigated. The company’s employment checks establish the identity of new employees as well as agency workers. It is common for those involved in modern slavery and human trafficking to retain identity documents in order to exert control over victims. The company requires identity documents to be provided by the employee in person and production by a third party is not accepted.

In September 2020, Food Network reviewed its Whistleblowing Policy. The policy recognises the importance of dealing with concerns from staff and others. The policy provides a clear procedure for raising concerns including issues such as modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

The advertisement of posts only on the official Government website ensures that they are widely accessible so that candidates are less likely to use disreputable agencies which may seek payment from candidates for work opportunities.

Due Diligence

Food Network has an internal risk management process to ensure that risks are identified and mitigated with appropriate controls implemented. As part of our risk management process we have systems in place to identify and assess potential risk. Concerns through our whistleblowing policy are investigated and those raising concerns are protected.

Supplier Compliance

Food Network recognises the importance of influencing ethical business practises through its supply chain and, in this regard, shall seek compliance with its high ethical standards from all its suppliers in respect of modern slavery and human trafficking. Potential suppliers shall be assessed as part of any procurement exercise as well as during contract performance reviews.


Food Network reviews training requirements for employees on an ongoing basis to identify training needs and to ensure a high standard of competence for all of its staff. The need for awareness in respect of modern slavery and human trafficking will form part of the training review.

Statement Approval

This statement has been approved by the Head of Production & Services Pam Jaffray.